High Park Birds

About Project

This is a project that I started in July of 2021, although I had been thinking about starting this for a long time.

I am interested in finding patterns in the locations each species of bird that can be seen in High Park, as well as providing a resource for other birders to help them see everything that I can find.

You can find the source code for this project on GitHub.

Data Collection

I have created a Python application to import my eBird checklists to record the GPS location and surface where each bird is seen (air, water, ground, tree, structure) to an SQL server. Be aware that this data is biased toward the routes and times of my birding trips.

Data Visualisation

Using ipyleaflet, I create a map for the observations of each species and each checklist. Charts were made using Plotly.

High Park Hawk Watch Weather

Filling out the High Park Hawk Watch Daily Report Form? Use the weather page I made to streamline the process.


You can find my eBird profile here (must be logged in to eBird to view).